Our church is not built on the talents of a few, but on the generosity and determination of many.
We see ourselves as a living organism, not as a rigid organization. Without your faithful financial support, your commitment as a volunteer and your creative participation according to your individual gifts and talents, our church would not be what it is and can be in the future!
We thank you for every form of support!
ICF Bern Celebrations (Kultus-Verein)
IBAN: CH98 0900 0000 6021 2413 6
Bankinstitut: PostFinance AG
Kontoinhaber:ICF Bern Celebrations, Kollekten/Spenden, Monbijoustrasse 8, 3011 Bern
WICHTIG plus Vermerk: Spende für Location… (Location-Name Bern, Biel, Thun, Interlaken, Oberwallis oder Freiburg-Murten ergänzen/einsetzen)
ICF Bern Life (charity)
IBAN: CH04 0900 0000 3073 7241 3
Bankinstitut: PostFinance AG
Kontoinhaber:ICF Bern Life, Spenden, Monbijoustrasse 8, 3011 Bern
WICHTIG plus Vermerk: Spende für Location… (Location-Name Bern, Biel, Thun, Interlaken, Oberwallis oder Freiburg-Murten ergänzen/einsetzen)
Donations to the Non-Profit Association (ICF Bern Life) can be deducted from taxes.
The budget of ICF Bern consists of general donations and the offering, which is collected during the celebrations
We use general financial principles.
We use the available funds according to economic rules with the goal to support our strategy, without losing sight of stable financial conditions. This stability is granted through a balanced budget with the focus on self-financed growth. These general principles are yearly submitted to a recognised external audit. The first 10 % of all donations and offerings are shared with others. 4.5 % go to needy people in our area as well as to social projects in Bern, in Switzerland and the whole world. 3.5 % go to the ICF Movement and the remaining 2 % are invested to support new churches and church building projects of our Movement.